Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lego Stop Motion Animation Video in Progress

A group of 7th grade students have been working hard these past few months to create their own Lego stop motion animation film. The first part of the process was creating the scene.

Once the stage was set, students wrote a story that they would carefully film. Snapping pictures after every small motion allowed students to upload images to the video editor Camtasia to create the stop motion effect. The students continue to add new edits as time allows such as titles, music, sound effects, and voiceovers.

Editing video on the iMac using Camtasia

Stay tuned for the finished product which will be revealed once all edits have been completed.

Need a brain break? Try coloring!

The adult coloring craze has moved into DPMS. Students can take a "mini break" from school during SRT by ripping out a page from one of our coloring books.